Orangutans, the research of my life?

The Biotrotter

Orangutans are one of the humans closest relative – and yet they are drawing towards extinction. And there is only one, clear thread why this is happening.

To be here, on Borneo, and helping in the research of orangutans is for me truly amazing. It’s a chance once in a life time.

Me and Niko on the board-walk to camp Me and Niko on the board-walk to camp, photo by Julia and picture in the property of TORP (Tuanan research project)

I have now spent about one month here in Tuanan on Kalimantan. The jungle is just as you might expect, stunning, and the unexpected may lure behind every tree. A colorful snake, a deer or an orangutan mother, holding her playing baby with care.

A scarlet rumped trongon (harpactes duvaucelii) that has caught a tasty meal! A scarlet rumped trongon (harpactes duvaucelii) that has caught a tasty meal!

On a free day, I went bird watching some with the Indonesian friend and assistant Suwi. He got a well trained…

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